Tuesday, May 11

Well, got a blog, gotta post...

I'm sure nobody will ever read this, but if you do, post me some encouragement. Today slipped away in a totally different fashion than yesterday. Seattle yesterday lived up to its reputation. Gloomy and cold. My mood seemed to mirror the skies. Today started in gloom and now has gone blue and bright. My mood follows. Why do we have moods?

Some people I know don't seem to have moods. Always the same. Rock steady. Boring? Maybe, especially when compared with the bi-polars I know. Although that creates a different challenge altogether...

Have you ever had the experience of being with someone and realizing you had the exact same conversation with them the last time you were with them? Maybe that should be comforting. Consistency. I tend to enjoy novelty more. Even something as mundane as finding out what someone does for a living is interesting to me the first time around. Of course I never get tired of some things... ;-)


Ginger Doll said...
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Ginger Doll said...

Argh sorry! Blogger comments are a bit screwy! Welcome to blogland, beware it's addictive! Found you through you Greg Bear preference - just found him in my local library and he's amazing. Just read Darwin's Children - wow.

And I'm a politics student (but in the UK!)

Have fun! Janey (www.breakingtheangel.co.uk/evolution.html)

SHE said...

hi there. i'm nobody. randomly reading your blog.

yep. i've got all kinds of moods. jealous of those who don't - but, yeah, find them less interesting too.

i'm for novelty too! so "cheers" to your favorite vintage

mundane: for a living - i play with paper, glue and scissors. and i'm a pre-famous writer.

recommendation - you might benefit from a light therapy box like me. mine comes in the mail in only a matter of days! can't wait.

i encourage you to continue to blog. often. bi-monthly at least. and have a wonderful new year!

random blog visitor: sandra kay

Eddie said...

Hey buddy. I randomly came upon your site for the simple fact that you chose Bjork as one of your musical interest. I read your site and find it interesting. I enjoy reading sites that have SOMETHING to say, albeit a bit gloomy. Hey, we all experience those days huh? Cheer up buddy, you sound too intelligent to let things bring you down. Actually, the more intelligent, the more you know, so I guess you have every right to feel a bit somber. Oxymoron I guess. Take care buddy. Drop by my site if you want a laugh. Laterz.

jeremy said...

Hello. About having the same conversation with the same person the next time you see them-- oh yeah. Now that I'm in college I see so many people, and sometimes, when I've been kinda saying the same stuff to everyone, it overlaps on some unfortunate person.